You can make your reservation through our website, after which you will receive a confirmation form by email.

After receiving the confirmation form you must digitally sign this form to our booking office and pay the specified down payment within two weeks. Your reservation will be cancelled if you do not respond.

We reserve the right to change the reserved campsite. In this eventuality you will be informed as soon as possible

If you cancel your reservation three months or longer before your arrival date your down payment will be reimbursed minus 15 euros administration fees.

If you cancel more than three months after the date of confirmation and one month before arrival then you forfeit your entire down payment.

If you cancel within less than a month you will be charged the full end amount.


In 2024, the overnight rate for members of a scout group will be € 4,00 per person per night. For other campers, the rate is € 6.00 per person per night. There is no charge for children under 2 years old. The rates include VAT.

The rates apply for the current calendar year. The new applicable rates will be stated on the website in January.

Each camp site is suitable for a minimal number of campers and this varies from site to site. The numbers per camp site are stated on the booking confirmation form.

When you check in you can request a refund for individual cancellations in your group, however the refund may not exceed 20% of the end amount.

Paying with card is possible.